Adult teeth typically start to come in around age six. Until then, baby teeth act as placeholders for the permanent teeth, and damage to them can cause substantial problems later. That being said, it’s important for people of all ages to take care of their oral health, which includes getting enough fluoride in your diet. Fluoride is an essential mineral that helps promote oral health and boosts enamel strength. Here are just a few smart tips to incorporate more fluoride into your diet and keep your mouth healthy.
This may seem obvious, but it’s not always easy to determine how much fluoride is in the water you’re drinking. Most times, your tap water has plenty of fluoride to keep your teeth protected, but if you have a special filtration system or you’re more accustomed to drinking purified bottled water, you may be lacking in fluoride intake. All it takes is a quick Google search to discover how much fluoride is in your area’s tap water. If you’re a bit concerned about other potential impurities, make sure to invest in a filter that doesn’t filter out fluoride.
Most people actually aren’t aware that countless foods have natural fluoride content. In addition to drinking more tap water, experts recommend incorporating some more of these natural fluoridated foods and beverages into your diet. These options include black tea, white wine, avocados, peaches, lettuce, and radishes. Of course, eat these foods fresh for the best fluoride boost.
We all know that the American Dental Association recommends brushing twice a day, but what about mouthwash? Make sure both your toothpaste and mouthwash have sufficient amounts of fluoride. Just take a quick look at the label for ingredients and follow the instructions to get the fluoride you need.
These tips can help boost fluoride intake, but above all, it’s critical to make regular visits to your dentist. Dentistry is one of the 10 most trusted and ethical professions in the United States, and pediatric dentists can help diagnose and treat any underlying issues that may or may not be a result of improper care. For more information about family dentists, contact Smilez Pediatric Dental Group. Whether in Haymarket VA, Gainesville VA or Bristow we can help your protect your child’s teeth.