Tags: oral health

  • The Bitter Truth: How Sugar Can Impact Children’s Teeth and Cavities 

    Maintaining good oral health is crucial for overall well-being, especially during childhood. As parents, it’s essential to understand the potential harm that excessive sugar consumption can cause to our children’s teeth. This blog post will delve into the relationship between sugar, tooth decay, and cavities, shedding light on the importance of instilling healthy dental habits in our kids. ...

Tags: oral health

  • From Birth Through Childhood, Good Oral Hygiene Starts With You

    Your baby is never too young to benefit from a clean and healthy mouth. Before he has even a single tooth, you can clean his mouth. Use a warm, wet cloth or a damp piece of gauze after every feeding to wipe his gums clean. Introduce a baby friendly toothbrush as soon as that first chomper comes through; it's fun for him to chew and play on, and teaches good habits straight away. Once he re...

Tags: oral health

  • Healthy School Lunches for Healthy Teeth in Gainesville

    School is back in session, and old routine demands are new again. Daycare dropoff, kids on the school bus, work, kids off the school bus, homework, soccer practice, family time... Phew. It's a lot, but you're a pro and you can handle it all. Well, except when it comes to making the best and healthy choices for lunch. When it comes to school lunches, you're stumped. Your kids are already getting ...