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19 Steps to Prevent Your Child From Getting Their First Cavity

preventative care Ensuring your child's teeth and oral health are well taken care of is essential as a parent, especially as your child's teeth are developing. According to WeschesterGov.com, more than 80% of children will have at least one cavity before they finish high school. If you are a parent concerned about your child's oral health, there is preventative care that can help reduce the risk of developing cavit Learn More

How To Get Your Child To Have Better Tooth Brushing Habits

Oral hygiene is important at any age. You should take your infant for their first general dentistry appointment as soon as their first tooth sprouts, according to Colgate. Once your children are no longer babies, they'll have to learn how to brush their teeth on their own, but it can be tough to get them into good brushing habits. Don't worry, you can help your child develop and maintain good teet Learn More

How Long Should Your Child Be Brushing Their Teeth?

pediatric dentists The issue of how long your child should brush his or her teeth might have an answer that's easy to quantify, but putting it into actual practice as a parent can certainly be difficult at times. It's not uncommon for kids to not always like brushing their teeth. Sometimes, no matter what a parent does, children resist brushing their teeth. They come up with a bunch of excuses, try to delay, or refu Learn More