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Your 2016 Dental Insurance Benefits Will Expire

Gainesville Pediatric Dentists Who Accept Insurance Dental Insurance Benefits: Use Them or Lose Them Fall is one of the busiest times of the year for many of us. Children and parents are still adjusting to the new school year, fall sport seasons are winding down and everyone is preparing for Thanksgiving, the holidays and end of the year celebrations. Not to mention mom and dad are still working hard providing for the families. With all this Learn More

Healthy School Lunches for Healthy Teeth in Gainesville

Make healthy school lunch choices for your kids in Gainesville | pediatric dentist School is back in session, and old routine demands are new again. Daycare dropoff, kids on the school bus, work, kids off the school bus, homework, soccer practice, family time... Phew. It's a lot, but you're a pro and you can handle it all. Well, except when it comes to making the best and healthy choices for lunch. When it comes to school lunches, you're stumped. Your kids are already getting Learn More

It’s Back to School in Northern VA: Schedule a Dental Checkup Today!

Local Pediatric Dentist - Gainesville VA It’s the time of year every schoolboy dreads, while his parents silently rejoice: School will soon be back in session in northern Virginia. One last week at the beach, family outings to the mall, new tennis shoes, fresh haircuts: You want them to look and feel their best on this brand new first day of the rest of their lives. You’ve thought of everything… well, almost. Without even thinking, Learn More