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Helping Celebrate Your Child’s Last Baby Tooth

Here at Smilez Pediatric Dental Group we get asked a lot of questions on how to handle the loss of baby teeth. We think that the tooth fairy is an excellent way to tap into your child’s young imagination and help them understand the importance of good oral health. Did you know that 59% of parents report giving extra money for the first baby tooth? This Gainesville pediatric dentist thinks that the Learn More

How Much Toothpaste Do You Really Need?

Gainesville Pediatric Dentist Answers - How Much Toothpaste Do You Really Need? In an effort to sell more toothpaste, ads often feature globs of toothpaste spread across the bristles of a toothbrush. While this might seem like the proper amount to use, too much toothpaste can actually do more harm than good. With about 60% of U.S. children expected to suffer from tooth decay by age five, it’s a Learn More

Gum Disease and Your Child

At Smilez Pediatric Dental Group, we know that unfortunately, gum disease can exist in your child’s mouth without you even knowing. In fact, your child may be suffering from the beginning stages of periodontal (gum) disease without noticing any pain or discomfort. Since gum disease can be undetectable, it’s critical to watch for the warning signs in order to prevent the disease from growing worse! Learn More